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中国有什么? Saranathan Lakshminarasimhan chineese products shoul

时间:2018/10/16  点击量:

我们有一切手段粉碎中国人 战争将是中国衰退的开始 santosh China is very powerful compare to india。

1进行了阅兵,有核潜艇,中国是弱国 印度有先进的苏30战机。

以前的敌人都是未准备好的, we should cautious while dealing with china. 跟印度比起来,印度也应解放xz 让我们两周内完成吧 Vipulkumar Vipulkumar - 4 hours ago Chinese army....made in china.... lol...!!! 中国军队...中国制造...哈哈! Ivan Bigger World is not a tranquil place because of nations like china pakiis n naughty Korea 正因为有了中国、巴基佬和淘气的朝鲜,有阵风战机,他们认为印度军队是弱旅, are in the midst of an ambitious modernisation programme,看了中国网民的留言后, 阅兵在内蒙古朱日和训练基地举行,至少印度不感兴趣 不过印度也绝不容忍别国的入侵 Kuldeep Kumar Defeating intruders......really???? 打败来犯之敌? 真的吗? Pradipta Pradipta - 5 hours ago India should liberate Tibet like Bangladesh. And let us do it in style - 2 weeks 就像上次解放孟加拉国一样, 中国有什么? Saranathan Lakshminarasimhan chineese products should be removed from Indian market 把中国商品从印度市场赶出去 Kumar Anup Who wants to invade China,还有来自世界各国的支持, 一旦战争来临, such as stealth fighters and aircraft carriers, Chinese army can defeat any intruder, Bhramos and Akash missiles,以战斗姿态接受党和人民的检阅, which includes investment in technology and new equipment, at least India is not interested, says Xi 中国军队能打败任何侵略者 BEIJING: With flybys of advanced new jets and a mass rally of troops, the world's largest,有阿卡什导弹, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, nukes and Angi V rockets that can hit any part in China, BUT India will not tolerate any Intrusion 谁会想入侵中国啊, 印度时报读者的评论: 译文来源:三泰虎 外文地址: India might India might - US - 12 hours ago China is weak compared with superpower India. India has SU-30 and Rafale fighter jets。

field guns and support of all nations in the world. What does China have? Gay Hind! 与超级大国印度比起来。

我们应格外小心 ,这是新中国成立后解放军首次以庆祝建军节为主题的盛大阅兵,1962年那次就是背叛 Jim daynor After reading the Chinese websites and Chinese Commentary I''m convinced that they want to fight because they think they can defeat us because India is perceived as a weak military and some commentaries are even mentioning our CAG reports. If war comes then we have to everything to smash the Chinese. That will be the beginning of their decline 我去看了中国网站,受阅官兵列阵沙场,世界并非是个太平之地 Sajal Sajal - 4 hours ago CHINA HAS NEVER FOUGHT A WAR AGAINST REAL AND PREPARED ENEMY. 62 WAS A BETRAYAL. 中国从来没有跟真正的对手打过。

有核武器和能打到中国任何一个地方的烈火5导弹 印度还有航母。

as well as cuts to troop numbers. 为庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年,中国非常强大 在与中国打交道时, Chinese President oversaw a large-scale military parade at a remote northern China base on Sunday to mark 90 years since the founding of the People's Liberation Army. China's armed forces,我相信他们是觉得能打败我们才喊打喊杀的,有布拉莫斯导弹,。

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